Waxing Hair Removal Services

Not a permanent solution, but great for a quick and easy fix - traditional waxing has been around for decades and is a great long-term solution for hair removal.

Waxing is done by applying warm wax to the skin in the desired area and shape. As the wax cools the skincare professional can apply cloth strips or paper and as it adheres to the hair the wax is pulled away quickly from the root. Waxing can be done by a professional in most cases anywhere from head to toe. For some people this is painless and for others is provides some discomfort only during the procedure. You may see some temporary redness around the area waxed for up to an hour, but it will dissipate quickly. All of this depends upon your skin type, your hair type, and the amount of hair being removed. Frequency of waxing will depend upon your hair growth patterns. For most people waxing is done every 4-6 weeks, it is not a permanent hair removal solution.

  • Benefits of Waxing

    • Defined brows / create a brow shape

    • Good for white/grey hairs that cannot be treated with a laser

    • Quick solution for smooth hair-free skin

    • Temporarily removes hair for up to 3 weeks (depending on hair type & growth)

    • Less irritation compared to shaving

  • Who is not a waxing candidate?

    • Anyone on Accutane / acne medication w/in the past 6 months

    • Anyone with a sunburn

  • How to Prepare for Waxing

    • Do not use Retin-A for 7 days prior

    • Grow out your hair (at minimum ½ inch)

7 Reasons Why Waxing is a Good Option for Hair Removal

  1. Waxing is an affordable option to permanent hair removal treatments.

  2. Some people find waxing to be less painful than laser hair removal. It can cause discomfort, but it is over fairly quickly and numbing cream can be applied afterwards to ease any sting associated with waxing.

  3. Waxing can be used on almost all of the parts of the body from eyebrows to toes including sensitive areas such as the bikini line and genitals.

  4. Waxing is effective immediately and leaves skin smooth for up to 6 weeks since it removes the hair from the root.

  5. Waxing is also highly effective on every hair type from light to dark and fine to coarse

  6. Waxing is done fairly quickly and does not require any prep before the treatment like shaving or trimming. In fact, don’t shave or trim before waxing!

  7. Waxing rarely has any complications as it is mainly a topical hair removal solution

We always recommend talking to your skincare professional to determine a hair removal method that fits your needs and skin type, hair type, hair color, and hair growth patterns. Your skincare professional will help you pick a solution that is best for your desired results.

Cost of Waxing

Waxing can be preformed on many different body areas. Small areas cost less whereas large areas take more time and will cost a bit more. View our menu of services to see current individual pricing.


Frequently Asked Questions about Waxing

  • At The WooSkin, we have 2 different types of wax to choose from, soft wax - using a cloth strip, or hard wax which is applied directly to the skin, hardens, and is then removed from the skin.

    The majority of the time we use strip wax because it gets more of the fine hair (except for the bikini area or any area with dark thick hair). For darker, thicker hair, hard wax is more efficient. Hard wax is also less harsh on the skin.

  • Waxing is a temporary removal of the hair by removing the hair follicle. As your hair grows in different stages and cycles. The first time you get waxed your hair may grow back faster and then level out. Results last typically 6-8 weeks.

  • Threading is done just on the face/facial hair. It also removes hair by the hair follicle as a way to shape brows and temporarily remove facial hair. There’s no residue that is stuck to the skin, so no pulling of the skin. This can be a safer option for those with more sensitive skin.

  • Any part of the body that has hair!

  • Waxing is a hair removal method that uses warm wax placed over the hair to be removed and as the wax is cooled it adheres and is then pulled quickly from the skin taking the hair from the root.

  • Waxing can cause discomfort during the procedure depending upon the area and the amount of hair being removed. Most people find it less painful than other hair removal treatments.

  • Waxing is done by a trained skincare professional or aesthetician. The professional will cleanse the area to be treated, warm wax is applied to the area, a strip of cloth or paper is pressed over the wax and removed quickly to pull it out from the root.

  • For the majority of people waxing is immediate and highly effective. In some cases, hair growth can even be finder and slower after several sessions.

  • The side effects of waxing are mild and depend upon the individual. Some people can experience one or more of these symptoms: redness, swelling, and ingrown hairs. Following aftercare instructions will improve the results and reduce the risk of side effects.

  • The frequency of how often you will need waxing will depend upon how fast your hair grows. Typically waxing is done every 4-6 weeks.

  • Waxing is the most versatile of the skin removal method other than shaving as it works for most people. It is not recommended for people with sensitive skin, skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema, or a history of keloid scarring. Consult your skincare professional before waxing if you have any concerns.

  • Waxing is a noninvasive hair removal procedure and there is no downtime associated with it. You may experience some redness or sensitivity for a few hours after the procedure, but it should not affect your daily activities.

  • A Waxing treatment usually takes between 15 minutes to 1 hour depending upon the area you are treating.

  • It is recommended not to apply an lotions or creams that are not recommended by your skincare professional for 24 hours after the treatment to avoid irritation and let your skin heal.

  • It is recommended to avoid sunbathing and excessive sun exposure for 24 hours after waxing to avoid irritation or damage to the area since it is better to avoid lotions and creams for the day after and sunscreen is always recommended to protect your skin.

  • It is best to avoid swimming for 24 hours after waxing to protect the area from bacteria, chlorine, and avoid irritation after waxing.

  • It is not recommended to shave between waxing as it can cause ingrown hairs, make the hair grow back thicker and coarser, and cause general irritation.

  • Waxing is considered safe during pregnancy, but it is always good to consult with your healthcare professional and skincare professional before treatment especially if you are experiencing any skin conditions.

  • Regular waxing can make the hair that grows back be finer and less dense and the hair growth can be slower. It will depend upon each individual.

  • If you are a minor, you will need to have a consulting adult for any hair removal service at a reputable business. The best candidates are after the age of 13 when the hair is more pronounced. Your skincare consultant can help you determine if you are a good candidate for waxing.

  • Tiffany was great and I am very pleased she is so professional and takes her time to explain everything. Today I started my hair removal on my upper lip. I am now A big fan of the tinting of the eyebrows and eyelashes my skin looks and feels great with my Mini facial - Joe Brennan