Chemical Peels

Professional grade alpha and beta hydroxy acids are formulated to peel away old damaged skin and replace it with new, brighter, tighter, and lighter skin! Treatments are quick with no lingering side effects and are best when performed in a series spaced one to two weeks apart or combined with microdermabrasion for superior exfoliation.

  • Benefits of a Chemical Peel

    • Reduce the appearance of dark spots

    • Reduce visible signs of aging

    • Reduce oily blemish prone skin

    • Combat acne

    • Reduce melasma

  • Who is NOT a Chemical peel Candidate?

    • Pregnant or nursing

    • Have been on Accutane within the past 6 months

  • How to Prepare for a Chemical Peel

    • Discontinue Retin-A 7 days before treatment

    • No unprotected sun exposure 7 days before treatment

    • Plan for 3-7 days of dry skin

Level Two

Level II peels have a higher percentage active ingredient (beta hyrdroxy or BHA) with mild to moderate skin peeling that usually lasts 2-3 days. These peels are typically Jessner’s solutions which contain a blend of resorcinol, lactic acid, and salicylic acid. Best for more corrective and lightening effects compared to a level I peel.

Level One

Level I peels have no downtime with zero to minimal flaking, also known as a “lunchtime” peel. These chemical peels are usually alpha hydroxy acid-based (AHA) which give a lovely glow to the skin and are a great form of exfoliation for skin that feels rough and lackluster.

Chemical Peels come in different strengths

Cost of chemical peels

Quick and effective, chemical peels can be preformed on the face and neck, chest or upper back. Treatments are priced individually and differ for level one, level two and for TCA peel. See our menu of services for current pricing.


common chemical peel questions

  • Level I peels have no downtime with zero to minimal flaking, also known as a “lunchtime” peel. These chemical peels are usually alpha hydroxy acid-based (AHA) which give a lovely glow to the skin and are a great form of exfoliation for skin that feels rough and lackluster.

    Level II peels have a higher percentage active ingredient (beta hyrdroxy or BHA) with mild to moderate skin peeling that usually lasts 2-3 days. These peels are typically Jessner’s solutions which contain a blend of resorcinol, lactic acid, and salicylic acid. Best for more corrective and lightening effects compared to a level I peel.

    These different types of acids are combined, customized, and blended together to make different chemical peel solutions that will target specific skin conditions. These chemical peels have a lower PH which makes them more acidic, but they are not as low as our TCA chemical peel or more medical-based peels. They are less aggressive than a medical grade peel.

  • These peels are meant to be done in a series of 3-6 peels. Spaced out once every 2 weeks, providing a more progressive way to see results.

  • Chemical peels are good for treating acne, skin pigmentation, acne scars, softening lines and wrinkles, and helping with collagen.

  • A solution is applied to the skin and the pH level absorbs the dead skin cells and helps to break up the glue that holds the skin cells together, while also speeding up exfoliation. This solution removes layers of dead skin and reveals fresh healthy skin.

    The chemical peel is neutralized with a water-based neutralizing solution and during the process, you can feel a tingling sensation on the skin. This will last until the peel is neutralized. The treatment is tolerable but uncomfortable.

    Once the solution is removed, we apply sunscreen and you are good to go! Come back in 2 weeks for your next chemical peel.

  • Chemical peels used to treat a specific condition are best when done in a series of 3-6, and also should be incorporated into your yearly skincare routine for maintenance purposes. We recommend that you alternate chemical peels with other services such as facials and IPL treatments.

  • Your skin looks brighter and feels refreshed. In 24-36 hours your skin will start to tighten and dry out because this treatment does expedite exfoliation. Be extra cautious to use your sunscreen and moisturizer regularly and avoid direct sun exposure. The dryness of your skin will subside in 4-7 days.